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The Uniqueness of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines

Title                            : Introduction To Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines
Writer                         : S K Som and G Biswas
Publisher                    : Tata McGraw Hill
Year published          : first released in 1998 and the second edition was published in 2004
Total of pages            : 712 pages

            In the wake of modernization of the industrial scenario in Indonesia, a need has been felt to modernize the engineering curriculum of the country at the undergraduate level. It has been observed the many of our graduates are being drawn in to a high level of computational and experimental work in fluid mechanics without the benefit of a well-balanced basic course in fluids.
            This book have six teen chapter, the first chapter is introduction and fundamental concept research about definition of stress, fluid, distinction between a solid and a fluid, concept of continuum, fluid properties. Fluid properties consist of density, specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity, kinematic Viscosity, No slip condition of viscous fluids, compressibility, distinction between an in incompressible and a compressible flow, surface tension of liquids, capillarity,  and vapour pressure.
            The second chapter is fluid statics, a fluid elements is experienced by two types of external forces (a) Body force, (b) surface force. Body force is force act throughout the body of the fluid element and are distributed over the entries mass or volume of the element. Surface force is force that appear only at the surface of the fluid element. The third Chapter is kinematics of fluid, kinematics is the geometry of motion. The movement of a fluid element in space has three distinct features, namely: translation, rate of deformation and rotation.
            The Forth chapter is Conservation equation and analyzing of finite control volumes. The fifth chapter is application of equations of motion and mechanical energy. The sixth chapter is principle of physical similarity and dimensional analysis. The seventh chapter is flow of ideal fluids, The eight chapter is incompressible flows. The ninth chapter is laminar boundary layers. The tenth chapter is turbulent flow. The eleventh chapter is application of viscous flow Through pipes. The twelfth chapter is flows with a free surface. The thirteenth chapter is Applications of unsteady flows. The fourteenth is compressible flow. The fifteenth chapter is principles of fluid mechanics. The sixteenth is compressors, fans and blowers in this chapter is discuss about centrifugal compressors, Diffuser, axial low compressors, degree of reaction, work, impeller size and etc.
            This book discuss chapter by chapter with systematic that will abridging for understand the contents of this book, beside that at this book have many figure that will help reader for knowing the contents, if we compared this book with another book, we will find many different, in this book writer more priority quality contents than language beauty, so the reader will be understand the contents with easy. But the beauty of the cover still more interesting than another book that of a kind.
            Many person or student are like books that full color and picture that interesting, unfortunately you will not find this part from the book with title is Introduction to fluid mechanics and fluid machines  but if you want to learn fluid mechanics and fluid machines with seriously I recommend this book for you.          


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